


黃建文a 陳柏瑜b 周瑞蓉c


        在現今隨著服飾潮流進入資訊化、網路化的時代,不論是上游的供應商、或是掌握客戶喜好的服飾零售經營者,都面臨到價值與速度之考驗,這是一個重要議題。在先前的質性訪談研究結果彙整「服務品質」、「貨源特性」、「互動關係」、「技術能力」等四大構面,與二十一項重要因子,可用來瞭解分析現今零售商評估供應商之指標重要性。本研究以相關文獻所得之結果為基礎,以模糊德菲法(Fuzzy DelphiMethod)進行問卷調查,藉由三角模糊語意變數及解模糊後,篩選出四個構面與二十項評估因子,再採用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process),得到各評估因子間的相對權重。提供服飾零售店經營者在選擇供應商上作為參考依據,進而提供供應商在經營層面,了解服飾零售店經營者的需求,可提供實務上的參考價值。


Selection Criteria of Suppliers for Clothing Retailers: Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

Huang Jiann-Wena  Chen Bo-Yub  Chou Jui-Jungc


    With the rag trade's trend towards enter Information Age and Internet Age, the most of the appeal manufacturers and the fashion retailing are faced with test of the value and the speed upgrade. This is an important issue now. Previously the qualitative interviews research results has already showed the four main facets as the following:Quality of Service,Characteristics of supply,Interaction,Technical skills,and the other twenty-one important factors. Those factors are regarded as an important index when the fashion retailing realize and analyze the appeal manufacturers. This research is based on associated documents, and made the questionnaire survey by Fuzzy Delphi Method(FDM), then through the triangular fuzzy semantics variables and defuzzification after that, screen out the four main facets and the other twenty assessment factors, then used Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy  Process to obtaining the relative importance of the assessment factors. The research is a reference has been provided for the apparel retail operators in selecting suppliers to understand. And then let the appeal manufacturers understanding the retailing's need, simultaneously can provide the practical reference value.

Key words: Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, Clothing Supplier, Selection evaluation, Supplier, Clothing, Retail

