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Evolution of Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions

Evolution of Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions




1 Wei-Lin Hsu

Department of Information Engineering and Informatics

Tzu Chi College of Technology

2 Chung-Hung Tsai

Department of Health Administration

Tzu Chi College of Technology

2 Chang-Shu Tsai

Department of Radiological Technology

Tzu Chi College of Technology





Strategic planning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is traditionally based on discipline-based departments and informal consensual agreement among peers. However, as with business organizations facing environment changes and shifting their planning perspectives, HEIs are now facing more competition and changing their rules and strategies. The review of strategic planning in HEIs is important, as there are various perspectives, or schools, of strategic planning and each of which takes a slightly different view of the process and may consequently lead to differences in the strategy formation. The aim of this research is to explore the evolution of strategic planning and planning perspectives in HEIs. This paper reviews the concepts of strategic planning in HEIs and some selected approaches. The review suggests that the dominate perspective in HEIs is the political school and now most HEIs have shifted their strategies and structures to a formal rational one, ignoring the multi-perspectives of strategic planning and their impact on the strategy formation process. The review suggests strategic planning in HEIs may follow the track of the revolution of planning perspectives in strategic planning and take a multiple planning perspectives not only understanding the cognitions of strategists but also addressing their interactions, cultures and political issues in the situated context.


Keywords:Strategic Planning, Strategy Formation, Higher Education Institutions






















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