


蔡宗宏 慈濟技術學院醫務管理系

蔡長書 慈濟技術學院放射技術系

蔡裕美 慈濟技術學院通識教育中心

摘 要

本研究係以自我決定理論為立論基礎,針對我國中學(國、高中)英語文課程學習之內在動機與外在動機,發展出一套測量學生學習動機之量表,以協助中學英語文教師提昇教學品質以及校方推動英語文政策之參考。 該量表針對某私立中學學生約二百五十人進行測驗,有效樣本約二百份。經過統計套裝軟體SPSS 12.0信度與構念效度及因素分析之驗證,研究結果顯示,除該量表具可靠之信度及效度之外,亦證實某中學學生之英語文學習動機有五個不同之因素:外部調節、內射調節、認同調節、整合調節、內在動機,與自我決定理論之動機連續帶觀念相吻合。迴歸分析顯示:學生的外部調節、內射調節動機正向影響逃避學習行為;而整合調節與內在動機則負向影響逃避學習行為。也就是說,學生越被施以外部調節(外在動機),他們對於英語文的學習表現的興趣也較為低落,並傾向於逃避學習。 本研究之教育意涵為,中學英語文教師應審慎檢視其教學方式以及因材施教。學習動機越傾向外在動機之學生,應多輔導其學習方式及態度,以令其逐漸朝向內在學習動機前進。至於學習動機較傾向內在動機的學生,則應多鼓勵其內在之成就感,使其強化內在動機及自我滿足。




Applying Self-Determination Theory to Study the Motivation of English Learning of High School Students

Chung-Hung Tsai         Department of Health Administration Tzu Chi College of Technology

Chang-Shu Tsai            Department of Radiological Technology Tzu Chi College of Technology

Yueh-Mei Tsai                General Education Center Tzu Chi College of Technology


Motivation is highly valued because it plays an important role in the actions of human beings. Self-determination theory (SDT) interprets the nature of motivation as strong external coercion to abide interest, as personal commitment to excel, or as a sense of fear of being monitored. The study is framed into the SDT to specify factors of variability in intrinsic motivation. The purpose of the study is to develop a validated instrument to evaluate the motivation of high school students in learning English. The samples of 250 high school students are drew from a high school in Taiwan responded to a survey with 25-items’ instrument that measures five dimensions of motivation: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. The survey and its instructional significance would be valuable to researchers and teachers concerned with English teaching.

Keywords: Motivation, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), External Regulation, Introjected Regulation, Identified Regulation, Integrated Regulation, Intrinsic Motivation




