蔡長書1 林汝松1, 2 林奕成1 呂昆翰1 黃義忠1
林宜慶1 林弘軒3 鍾國晃4 李超群4
摘 要
本研究旨在模擬臨床診斷型X光機之放射作業,設計一可結合醫學影像之放射攝影模擬系統。首先,選擇X光機操作之工作參數及攝影流程並結合擺位技術及X光醫學影像,作為放射攝影模擬系統輸入單元,並將脈衝作類比數位轉換,利用8051單晶片微電腦控制器(8051 Microprocessor Unit)接收模擬X光機裝置(X-ray Device Simulator)傳送的訊號。將8051單晶片微電腦控制系統所接收的訊號做運算處理,接著將8051單晶片微電腦控制系統運算處理完的訊號藉由RS-232C串列傳輸線傳送至伺服器端,伺服器端接收8051單晶片微電腦控制系統所傳送的值對應相對位址的醫學影像資料庫,將醫學影像於輸出裝置顯示出來。設計系統之8051單晶片微電腦控制系械使用組合語言(Assembly Language),伺服器端使用培基程式語言(Basic Program)。
A Study on Radiographic Simulation System
with Medical Imaging
1,*Chang-Shu Tsai, 1,2 Ju-Sung Lin, 1Yi-Cheng Lin, 1Kun-Huan Liu,
1Yi-Chung Huang, 1Yi-Chin Lin, 3Hung-Hsuan Lin,
4Chau-Chin Lee, 4Kou-Huang Chung
1Department of Radiological Technology, Tzu-Chi College of Technology
2Polymath Enterprise Co., Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.
3Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University
4Department of Radiology, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital
*Corresponding author, e-mail: fred@tccn.edu.tw
In this study, a radiographic simulation system which combined medical imaging was designed and performed for teaching and clinical training purposes. The radiographic parameters and procedures containing positioning skills and x-ray medical images were chosen to be as the input unit of system. The operating pulses are converted by analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The signals from x-ray device simulator are accepted and processed by 8051 microprocessor unit, and then, the processed data are sent to the server through RS-232C serial port. The server receives the medical image databases of the corresponding addresses that come from the 8051 microprocessor unit, and displays the medical image on monitor. In this system, the 8051 microprocessor unit and the server are driven by the use of assembly language and basic language, respectively.
The results from radiographic images on skull, chest, abdomen, extremity bone, confirm the applicability of the study and meet the requirement of clinical digital medical image processes. The advantanges of radiographic simulation system include easy portable operation, no radiation risk and no high voltage. In addition, it can be also used as the auxiliary tools for teaching image interpretation and radiographic skill, as well as for clinical training.
Key words : Radiographic simulation system, Radiography, Medical image, Positioning
蔡長書1 林汝松1, 2 林奕成1 呂昆翰1 黃義忠1
林宜慶1 林弘軒3 鍾國晃4 李超群4
摘 要
本研究旨在模擬臨床診斷型X光機之放射作業,設計一可結合醫學影像之放射攝影模擬系統。首先,選擇X光機操作之工作參數及攝影流程並結合擺位技術及X光醫學影像,作為放射攝影模擬系統輸入單元,並將脈衝作類比數位轉換,利用8051單晶片微電腦控制器(8051 Microprocessor Unit)接收模擬X光機裝置(X-ray Device Simulator)傳送的訊號。將8051單晶片微電腦控制系統所接收的訊號做運算處理,接著將8051單晶片微電腦控制系統運算處理完的訊號藉由RS-232C串列傳輸線傳送至伺服器端,伺服器端接收8051單晶片微電腦控制系統所傳送的值對應相對位址的醫學影像資料庫,將醫學影像於輸出裝置顯示出來。設計系統之8051單晶片微電腦控制系械使用組合語言(Assembly Language),伺服器端使用培基程式語言(Basic Program)。
A Study on Radiographic Simulation System
with Medical Imaging
1,*Chang-Shu Tsai, 1,2 Ju-Sung Lin, 1Yi-Cheng Lin, 1Kun-Huan Liu,
1Yi-Chung Huang, 1Yi-Chin Lin, 3Hung-Hsuan Lin,
4Chau-Chin Lee, 4Kou-Huang Chung
1Department of Radiological Technology, Tzu-Chi College of Technology
2Polymath Enterprise Co., Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.
3Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University
4Department of Radiology, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital
*Corresponding author, e-mail: fred@tccn.edu.tw
In this study, a radiographic simulation system which combined medical imaging was designed and performed for teaching and clinical training purposes. The radiographic parameters and procedures containing positioning skills and x-ray medical images were chosen to be as the input unit of system. The operating pulses are converted by analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The signals from x-ray device simulator are accepted and processed by 8051 microprocessor unit, and then, the processed data are sent to the server through RS-232C serial port. The server receives the medical image databases of the corresponding addresses that come from the 8051 microprocessor unit, and displays the medical image on monitor. In this system, the 8051 microprocessor unit and the server are driven by the use of assembly language and basic language, respectively.
The results from radiographic images on skull, chest, abdomen, extremity bone, confirm the applicability of the study and meet the requirement of clinical digital medical image processes. The advantanges of radiographic simulation system include easy portable operation, no radiation risk and no high voltage. In addition, it can be also used as the auxiliary tools for teaching image interpretation and radiographic skill, as well as for clinical training.
Key words : Radiographic simulation system, Radiography, Medical image, Positioning