

大學生體育課程滿意度之調查研究 -以慈濟技術學院為對象



摘 要   

本研究之目的,在瞭解目前慈濟技術學院學生對體育課程的滿意度之現況及差異情形,結果可提供學校對未來體育課程之規劃做參考。本研究以91學年度之慈濟技術學院400位學生為研究對象,以自編之「慈濟技術學院學生體育課程滿意度調查問卷」為工具作調查。所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗等統計方法分析,所得結果如下: 一、慈濟技術學院學生對體育課程相關的滿意度介於普通和滿意之間。學生感到滿意的向度依序為:「老師之專業素養」、「老師之教學態度」、「老師之教學方法」、「體育課之學習成果」、「課程安排  之內容」。學生在「課程安排之時段」及「成績評量方式」之滿意度感到普通。而讓學生普遍感到不滿意的是「可供選擇之開課項目與數量」及「體育教學設施(場地、設備、器材)」。 二、慈濟技術學院不同性別的學生在「體育教學設施」及「可供選擇之開課項目與數量」的滿意程度達到顯著差異。 三、慈濟技術學院不同年級的學生在「課程安排之時段」、「課程安排之內容」、「老師之教學方法」及「老師之教學態度」的滿意度方面具有顯著差異。 四、慈濟技術學院不同系別學生的滿意度在各個因素上並無顯著差異。  




A Research of Satisfaction Degree of the PE Curriculum for Students of Tz'u-Chi College of Technology

Mu-Chuan Huang

Physical Education Section Tz'u-Chi College of Technology.


The purpose of this study was to examine the student’s satisfaction degree of Physical Education curriculum in Tz'u-Chi College of Technology. The result can provide the reference to the school for programming the future PE curriculum. These objects of the research would be students in Tz’u-Chi College of Technology in the 91 academic years. We obtained 396 sample students totally, and the tool of this research was the “Physical Education Curriculum Satisfaction Scale of Tz’u-Chi College of Technology", then analyzed the data through those statistics methods including describe statistics, single factor variation and t-test, and the results are as follows: 1. The degrees of the satisfaction toward their PE curriculum of the students in Tz’u-Chi College of Technology are between “common” and “satisfied”. The items that most students feel unsatisfied are “Facility and Equipment” and “Selectable Courses”. 2. The students in different sexuality have significant differences in the satisfactions for “Facility and Equipment” and “Selectable Courses”. 3. The students in different grade have significant differences in the satisfactions for “Selectable Courses”, “Curricular Contents”, “Teacher’s Teaching Method”, and “Teacher’s Teaching Attitude”. 4. The students in different departments have no significant differences in the satisfaction degree.

Keywords: PE curriculum, satisfaction degree.



