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摘 要

本文主要從女性主義的思考角度,探討護理專業發展方向,這其中涵蓋了三個層面:(1)女性主義與護理教育之相關性,包括了護理教育課程的改革; (2)護理專業主義之意識型態,包括了護理專業角色之定位; (3)健康促進的理念,包括了護理專業於健康促進過程中的職責與功能。希望藉由這些探討,提供給國內護理專業人員,無論是臨床工作者,或是學校教育者,一個不同角度的省思;而且,女性主義理念如果與護理專業能相結合,更能共同提昇護理專業地位,強化其功能,增進人民健康之品質。


Discussing the Developments of Nursing Profession

from the Feminist Perspectives

Fang-Ying Chu

Department of Nursing

Tzu Chi College of Technology


The purpose of this paper critically discussed the developments of nursing profession from the feminist perspectives, which encompassed three aspects: nursing education with the revolution of nursing curriculum, the ideology of nursing professionalism including the role of nursing, and the concept of health promotion including the responsibility of nursing professionals within health promotion. In conclusion, the feminist perspectives have provided the different though to the nursing professionals. If feminism and nursing are cohered, the status of nursing professionals and the health quality of people will be improved.

Key words: feminist perspective, nursing education, nursing professionalism, health promotion
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