【Oxford EMI教師線上培訓課程 】2022.01.21-2022.01.28

 為強化本校教師英語授課能力,本中心與英國牛津全英語授課訓練機構Oxford EMI於111年01月21日(五)~111年01 月28(五),辦理本校「Oxford EMI 教師線上培訓課程」以提升教師全英語授課知能,並培養EMI授課種子教師。




1. 線上課前說明會:111年1月21日(五)晚間7點進行第一場 Zoom 線上課前說明會。

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2.正式課程於111年01月24日(一)~111年01月28日(五)線上舉行。課程內容:搭配日間於 Moodle 課程網站進行學習、作業練習與小組討論(每日白天約3小時線上非同步學習、自學與小組共學)、每晚7點於 Zoom 視訊會議與 Oxford EMI 教師連線進行同步教學(每晚約1.5小時與牛津之培訓教師同步連線教學)。

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 Oxford EMI 教師連線進行同步教學與研討

總課程時數約24小時。培訓課程教師Julie Dearden (Director of Oxford EMI)以及Tom Spain (Head of Training of Oxford EMI, EMI Consultant and Senior Trainer)

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培訓講師課程-Julie Dearden老師(Director )

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培訓講師課程-Tom Spain老師(EMI Consultant and Senior Trainer)

本培訓課程共有19位教師參與並順利完成課程,取得證書。其中,針對此培訓回饋整體分數平均為4.82(5分:非常同意;4分:同意)。教師們針對Oxford EMI培訓表示:須全程流暢的聽、說、讀、寫英文挑戰極大,不管是時間與體力都是考驗。但此培訓課程教師Julie Dearden 和Tom Spain的教學方式令人能放鬆融入課程,組員教師們也十分親切,互動交流良好,因此從中學習掌握到教學節奏,習得教學技能,紛紛認同這對未來教學相當有幫助。


●           以下為課程內容主題與要點:



Language  Awareness

●        Analysing the difference between language awareness and language proficiency in EMI 

●        Understanding language levels and their implications for effective teaching 

●        Making our spoken delivery more language-aware      

Presentation Skills

●        Combining speech, visual aids, and presentation techniques to improve comprehension

Comprehension Checking

●        Understanding the IRF research framework for classroom interaction 

●        Observing examples of the IRF in EMI lectures 

●        Using technology and classroom management techniques to check comprehension more efficiently and effectively

Interactive Lecturing

●        Planning and delivering an interactive class 

●        Using technology to improve interaction inside and outside the class

●        Designing and managing effective tasks and questions

Active Learning

●        Developing critical thinking skills by designing and managing higher-order tasks and questions 

●        Helping students to take manage their own learning by moving content out of the classroom

Integrating Students

●        Analysing the research to understand international students’ motivations 

●        Achieving effective integration in face-to-face and online courses

Online Teaching

●        Exploring the pedagogy behind good online teaching

Ongoing Support

●        Enabling teachers to become reflective practitioners by giving feedback on a recorded lecture or seminar 

●        Creating a Community of Practice among the course participants to allow them to continue to share ideas and techniques after course completion




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培訓結束 教師們大合照