


熊乃歡1 朱秋香2





國內外已有相當多的文獻報告指出各種治療對傷口癒合的效果,但治療措施多偏重於合成藥物,尚未有研究針對探討輔助療法處置之後,對傷口癒合的成效。本研究目的在了解以精油使用為輔助療法處置壓瘡的成效。研究設計採臨床試驗(Clinical Trial),並以單盲之類實驗法(Quasi-experimental design)方便取樣102位東部地區各醫院住院病患,隨機分為實驗組及對照組,分別給予「複芳精油」及「基礎油」之護理措施。實驗過程中,除第一天取得傷口面積基準值外,每三天持續監測記錄病人傷口過程變化。結果顯示,實驗組在使用介入措施後,其第四天、第七天及第十天之傷口癒合面積相較基準值,明顯比控制組有統計上顯著之差異(p= 0.005, 0.008, 0.018 at 4th day, 7th day, and 10th day, respectively)。 本研究結果達統計上顯著意義,對於瞭解輔助療法的選擇性將有更深一層認識,並可提供國內外傷口醫療照護的參考。未來研究應增加樣本數,並採隨機實驗設計法予以進一步探討。





 An investigation into the wound-healing properties of essential oils: Applying to the pressure ulcer


Nai-Huan Hsiung1 Chiou Shiang Chu2 


1 Lecturer, Tzu-chi College of Technology, Hualien,

2 Head of Nurses, Nursing Department, Hualien Hospital,
Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan





Aromatic plants have a long history of use for treating wounds, but the use of pure essential oils for wound care is rare. Some evidences claimed that the high concentration of essential oils have antibacterial effects such as lavender, tea tree and myrrh. However, there is no connection between the use of essential oils and pressure ulcer should emphasize more about the connections.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of applying essential oils, that are blend with Lavendula vera, Commiphora Myrrha, Melaleuca alternifolia, and base oil around pressure ulcers in adult individuals.


The study used the quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups’ comparison design. Ninety-two participants were selected by purposive and convenience sampling from two hospitals located in east . Participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups including (1) an aroma group, (2) a control group. Participants in the aroma group received essential oils formula, and those in the control group only received the base oil because of single blind. The treatment for both groups was the topical application of the test substances around the wound surface three times per day for 10 days. The treatment outcome measurement was focused on the size and depth of wound levels measured before and after the intervention.


The results showed that changes from the first day with treatment application to 4th day, 7th day and 10th day were significantly decreased the dimension of wound area compared with the control group (p= 0.005, 0.008, 0.018 at 4th day, 7th day, and 10th day, respectively).



There was a noticeable enhancement in the proliferative phases of wound healing in the participants with essential oils comparing with the control group be suggested that the essential oils has facilitated the healing process to a greater extent than the base oil and reference products. However, more studies using randomised control trials design are needed for acquiring the width and depth of the effectiveness of the essential oils on the wound-healing.


 KeywordsEssential oils, Wound healing, Pressure ulcer 

