

宋惠娟1* 梁秀庭2 李文禮3 吳育儒4
1 慈濟技術學院護理系副教授(*通訊作者)
2 音樂心靈推廣協會執行長
3 慈濟技術學院放射技術系講師

摘 要

及心理指標的影響。以立意取樣方式收案符合條件的護理系學生,29 位完成研究,每位
受試者個別於一安靜的房間,採半坐臥或躺臥放鬆的姿勢,以耳機聆聽25 分鐘的放鬆





A pilot study of relaxing music listening on anxiety in
nursing students

Huei-Chuan Sung1* Hsiu-Ting Liang2 Wen-Li Lee3 Yu-Zu Wu4
1Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology, Hualien, Taiwan
(*correspondence author)
2Taipei Inner Connection Music Association, Taipei, Taiwan
3Department of Radiological Technology, Tzu Chi College of Technology, Hualien, Taiwan
4Department of Physical Therapy, Tzu Chi College of Technology, Hualien, Taiwan


This pilot study used a one-group pre-test and post-test design to evaluate the effect of
relaxing music listening on physiological and psychological indicators related to anxiety in
nursing students. A purposive sample of 29 nursing students completed the study. Each
participant listened to 25-minute low-frequency, slow-rhythm relaxing music produced by a
Taiwanese music company via headphone with a semi-sitting or lying position in a quiet room.
Each participant was assessed for their subjective anxiety using State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory-State (STAI-State) and for their heart rate and heart rate variability using Ying-Yang
Instrument at pre-test and post-test. The results found that nursing students had low to
medium levels of anxiety. Listening to relaxing music significantly reduced subjective state
anxiety level (p<.001), heart rate (p<.001), and high frequency of heart rate variability (p=.03),
which indicated that the parasympathetic nervous system was activated and participants were
in a relaxing state. The results of this study suggest that listening of relaxing music may
reduce subjective anxiety level and alter physiological indicators in nursing students, which
imply that these students are in a relaxing state physiologically and psychologically.

Keywords:nursing student, music listening, anxiety, heart rate variability

