

彭台珠1 江文卿2 王淑芳3 鍾蕙如4 陳敏修5 許瑋麟6

1 慈濟大學醫學研究所護理組哲學博士 慈濟技術學院護理系副教授 

2 國立台灣科技大學營建工程系博士 大漢技術學院講師 

3 高雄醫學大學護理研究所哲學博士 慈濟技術學院護理系副教授 

4 南京中醫藥大學中醫博士 長庚紀念醫院行政中心高專 長庚技術學院護理系講師  

5 台灣大學獸醫學研究所博士候選人 慈濟技術學院通識科講師

 6 英國里茲大學資訊工程研究所博士 慈濟技術學院資訊工程系副教授兼系主任



  為提供學員進修中醫護理相關課程另一管道,台灣中醫護理學會開設中醫基本護理訓練網路課程,使護理人員能在不影響現職與節省受訓成本的情況之下,修習網路中醫護理課程。本研究目的乃針對修習網路中醫基本護理訓練課程之學員,進行學習成效與滿意度評估,以期提高中醫護理網路課程品質,開創中醫護理學習的新里程。研究方法:利用慈濟技術學院現有遠距教學平台,開辦中醫學概論、針灸護理學、中藥學概論與藥膳學四科目,課後並進行學習成效評估,包括認知評估、滿意度調查與課後座談。合計共91 人修課,資料以SPSS 套裝軟體作統計分析。修課完成率平均為80.3%;從事與中醫護理相關工作者佔38.5%;護理工作年資十年以上者佔57.2%,71.4%多是因個人興趣參加,單位指派佔22.0%。學習成績平均介於94.5±5.8 至78.8±7.8 之間。滿意度調查共60 題,以Licker's 七分量表進行評分。有效樣本共81 筆,經因素分析,共萃取七個因素31 題,共可解釋81.12%之變異量。學員表示未來開設相關中醫護理網路課程,會繼續參加者平均6.1 分,會向他人推薦者平均6.0 分,顯見有不錯的滿意度。本網路課程提供學員一種可近性高的學習方式,降低學員相關學習困擾,提高研習課程之意願。遠距教學容許學習者不斷的重複學習,對中醫護理相關內容及用辭較陌生的初學者而言,是一不錯的學習方式。然而課程亦有師生互動性減少的缺點,未來可以針對此項進行修正,將有助於提高學習成效。




Evaluation the effectiveness of the asynchronous distance

learning on basic traditional Chinese nursing training

Tai-Chu Peng1       Wen-Ching Jaung2       Shu-Feng Wang3

Hui-Ju Chung       Min-Hsiu Chen5       Wei-Lin Hsu6

1 RN, Ph.D., Institute of Medicine Science, Tzu Chi University,Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology

2 Ph.D. Lecture, Department of Civil Engineering, Dahan College of Technolog

3 RN, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology

4 RN, Ph.D., Department of Administration center Chang Gung Memorial Hospital., Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, Instructor of Chang Gung Institute of Technology, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan

5 Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University, Lecture, Tzu Chi College of Technology

6 Ph.D., Associate Professor/ Head of Department, Department of Information Engineering and Informatics, Tzu Chi College of Technology



To provide students a different channel learning Traditional Chinese Nursing (TCN) courses, Taiwan TCN Association creates the fundamental curriculum of TCN based on a web-based online autonomous learning system. The courses effectively enable students not only reduce their learning cost but also enable their available study time and schedule more flexible off duty. The aim of this research is to investigate students who participate the web online autonomous learning system of basic TCN training courses and their learning effectiveness and satisfactory, in order to improve the quality of web-based TCN courses and create a new mileage for TCN learning. Research Method: based on the existing e-learning platform and systems by Tzu Chi College of Technology (TCCT), four courses: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine、Acupuncture nursing、Introduction to Traditional Chinese Pharmacology and Traditional Chinese Medicated Diet are created and opened for students to learn. Following the evaluation of student learning effectiveness, including: cognition assessment, satisfactory investigation, and informal discussion after class, is performed at the end of course lesson.

Results and Discussions: totally 91 students selected courses; 80.3% student completed course study; 38.5 % students relevant to nursing job; 57.2 % students with more than 10 years working experience; 71.4% students participated because of self-interest; 22% students participated because of work designation。The average of learning results is between 94.5±5.8 and 78.8±7.8.。For the questionnaire, there are total 60 questions and Licker's seven scales are used. There are 81 available samples. Through factor analysis, seven factors are extracted to
explain 81.12 % sum of variation. This research reveals that the average scale for students’ willingness to contiguously participate courses is 6.1 and the average scale students recommend courses to others is 6.0. The results significantly suggest that students are satisfied with the courses. The use of long-distance teaching method for the basic TCN curriculum enhances students a high approachability. It can effectively enable students to reduce not only learning cost but also learning problems and difficulties. The online autonomous learning system is best for students
to learn those difficult, strange or new courses, as it allows students continuously and repeatedly learning. However, it may reduce the frequency of communication between students and teachers. The feature course design will focus on improving this weakness and enhancing a highly leaning effectiveness.

Keywords : The fundamental curriculum of the Traditional Chinese Nursing (TCN), long-distance teaching, Traditional Chinese nursing


