利用反應式磁控濺鍍(Reactive magnetron sputtering)系統,通入氧氣(O2)、氬氣
得到之TiO2 薄膜具有銳鈦礦結晶結構,其能隙帶造成之光吸收陡升棱(Absorption edge)
在波長350 nm 附近,即在紫外光區吸收很大,而N-TiO2 薄膜之銳鈦礦結晶結構較不完
整,因氮的添加造成光吸收陡升棱偏移至400 nm 可見光區。從可見光照射後所引發的
亞甲基藍分解反應及水接觸角變化,來比較TiO2 及N-TiO2 薄膜的可見光催化活性,得
到N-TiO2的光催化亞甲基藍分解反應之一級反應速率常數為0.0435 h-1,而TiO2為0.0065
h-1;N-TiO2 的水接觸角在可見光照射下變小,而TiO2 幾乎沒有變化。即N-TiO2 薄膜在
兩種反應變化上皆具有較高的活性,而TiO2 薄膜的活性很小,幾乎沒有活性。本研究成
Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of Visible-light
Photocatalyst—Nitrogen Doped Titanium Oxide(N-TiO2)
Tien-Syh Yang
General Education Center, Tzu Chi College of Technology
Both TiO2 and N-TiO2 films were prepared by a reactive magnetron sputtering of
titanium target in gas mixture of argon, oxygen and nitrogen. The TiO2 film exhibits
well-crystallized anatase phase. In contrast, the N-TiO2 film maintain primary anatase phase
with decreasing crystallinity. The UV-Visible absorption spectra show the absorption edge
of the N-TiO2 film is red-shifted to visible-light 400 nm from UV-light 350 nm of the TiO2
film. The visible light-induced photodegradation of methylene blue test indicates that the
N-TiO2 film has an apparently higher activity with first-order rate constant 0.0435 h-1,
compared with 0.0065 h-1 of the TiO2 film. The surface of the N-TiO2 film becomes
superhydrophilic under visible-light illumination, characterized by a small water contact angle.
However, the TiO2 film has scarcely variation of water contact angle. In this research, we
prepared successfully the visible-light photocatalyst N-TiO2 film with apparently higher
photocatalytic activity.
Keywords:Titanium oxide; Visible-light photocatalyst; Reactive magnetron sputtering; Film.