


吳善全 王孟怡




助理教授 研究助理


摘 要




服務導向架構是一種新興的系統架構模型,其主要概念是針對企業需求組合而成的一組軟體元件。本論文將會計資訊系統所需之各種繁複功能歸納簡化為三種服務,分別是表單服務、清單服務及報表服務。服務的通訊協定採用SOAP,因此協定以XML為基礎,因此本論文亦以XML DB為後端儲存之媒體。有別於傳統關聯式資料庫以二維表格操作為其基礎,會計資訊系統所需各式表單必須先經正規化拆解方能儲存至關聯式資料庫。透過XML資料庫技術,將使表單處理更直覺、更簡化。結合服務導向與XML資料庫,本論文簡化了會計資訊系統的開發過程,並實作一銷貨循環子系統以驗證其確實可行性。







A Service Oriented Accounting Information System
Based on XML Database


Wu Shann-Chiuen


Tzu Chi college of Technology


Department of Accounting Information


Assistant Professor


Wang Meng-Yi


Tzu Chi college of Technology


Department of Accounting Information


Research assistant




Due to the frequent changing nature of modern organizations, the development model should be adapted to the demand of changing to the system. This paper designed a service oriented accounting application based on XML DB to deal with the changing requirements of users.


Service-oriented architecture expresses a perspective of document manipulation which uses three basic document services to meet the requirement of accounting information systems. The service-based processes are directly mapped to the real world documents like slips, forms or reports which should be very intuitive to both programmers and users.




KeywordsAccounting Information System, XML Database, SOA

