










摘 要







The effects of music therapy on pediatric painanxiety and distressA systematic review


Hsing Miao Chen


Instructor, Department of Nursing, Tzi Chi College of Technology


Yueh-Chih Chen


Professor, Graduate school of Nursing . HungKung University




This study is to explore the effects of music therapy on pediatric pain, anxiety and distress in medical treatment via literature review. Purpose: This review aims to understand the effects of music therapy on pediatric pain, anxiety and distress. Methods: Using Medline electrical database search between 2000 to 2007, five papers in the music therapy interventions with randomized controlled design trials were studied. We analyzed the method and data analyses sections and found that no details of how the random assign and double blind processes were conducted for these selected papers. Results: music therapy doesn’t reduce pain for all studies. However subjects’ perception not only can decrease physical pain, but also reduce anxiety and distress. For most music treatment procedures, therapists use patients’ favorite songs combing with other treatments. Conclusion and Suggestion: The music therapy is one of the effective intervention to reduce pain, anxiety and distress of uninvasive technique procedures. For the future studies, the assessment tool evaluations, and the different treatment procedures between music therapists and nurses are the main focuses.




Key wordsmusic therapy, pediatric pain, anxiety and distress.






