

Olga Y. Adams, PhD



中亞的龐大區域顯然已經從中歐的「移民危機」中移除,這塊長久以來一直是個活耀的內部移動區域,在1991年--蘇聯瓦解這一年--是個顯著的起點。這個先前已經整合的單一社會經濟體系,很快發現本身所包含的5個獨立政體,他們的內部政策和國際關係有很大的差異。根據模糊的估計,1992到1994年塔吉內戰期間,有大約被「迫出」(pushed out)的一百二十萬難民,分散到阿富汗和俄國邊境。1992年哈薩克獨立後的首位總統努爾蘇丹.納扎爾巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev),向世界各地的哈薩克族群宣示他的「回歸母國」政策,從1992到1994年間,大約343,000人留意到這項「回歸」(call to return)的訴求。同時,哈薩克境內大量的非哈薩克移民人口,和由數成千個被迫安置在其它國家(德國、韓國、土耳其和其它國家),或1960年代許多在蘇維埃「農場處女地」(farm the virgin lands)政策下,因不安於政府的民族主義言論和經濟形勢的威脅,離開當時新獨立的國家,由這些哈薩克消極的移民團體,一直堅持這項政策到今天。

對近來形成的趨勢來說,「移民法」(1997)是某種落後的官方象徵。自2000年草擬的進一步計劃「移民和人口策略」(Migration and Demographic Strategy)之後,國家即面臨了新的挑戰,再度改變了移民潮流的本質。加上全球化經濟和「一帶一路」策略結構的改變,實際上也是一種新的地緣政治典範,開始問什麼是最重要的--也是最爭議--關係到「物資、服務、資訊和人群跨界的解放運動」的問題?那些是被設計為達到國家安全要求和「邊界的不可侵犯性」目標的方法?本文試圖經由官方政策和統計數據的觀察,以提出答案,並從政治體系的觀點,針對移民決策具有影響力的非政治因素予以分析。



Migration in Kazakhstan After 1991: Official Responses to Trends and Contentions

Olga Y. Adams, PhD


Migration has become a charged issue recently both for scholars and policymakers. Millions of people are on the move, displaced by war and violence, traversing the globe and bringing about all manner of disruption – from the fairly straightforward challenges of providing food and shelter to the multifaceted issues and long-term consequence of the biggest migration upheaval since World War II. Many more millions are looking for better lives elsewhere, posing difficult dilemmas of both economic and ethical natures for the recipient countries (mainly in Europe) to answer.

The vast multinational region of Central Asia, while appearing somewhat removed from the Europe-centered migration crisis, has been witnessing unprecedented and rising intraregional and international migration since 1991 – the year of the fall of the Soviet Union. The article focuses on migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan – one of five independent Central Asian states – and analyzes it from the perspective of official discourse as manifested in strategic initiatives, laws and regulations, and on their institutional corollaries. The methodology of a political system approach allows us to demonstrate the politicization of factors that influence decision-making in many spheres, including migration.

Key words: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, migration policy, political system, official discourse