



Reflection on the Patient-centered Care Services at Japanese Long-Term Care Institutions

Yu-Lun Kuo

   This article was written on the basis of the author’s observations from three visits to long-term care institutions for elderly people in Japan. The author determined that the model of care services in Japan enables elderly people to “live autonomously with dignity.” For instance, (1) the elderly people in Japan eat through their mouths, tasting the flavor of food. (2) They are encouraged to use the toilet even if they wear adult diapers, and (3) they are encouraged to enjoy bathing with dignity and make they relax. In regards to Taiwanese elderly care practices, the author suggests the following: (1) caregivers or family members should esteem the elderly person’s quality of life; living a meaningful and an autonomous life with dignity is more crucial than just living a long life. (2) Care services for elderly people require adequate and trained caregivers. Caregivers should be required to have sufficient expertise to understand an elderly person’s perspective and provide the best caregiving strategies as well as the best quality of life. (3) Elderly people should be enabled to live the rest of their lives with dignity and without remorse. Action is required to promote hospice care at institutions to let elderly people die at peace with themselves. This article concerns the personal experience of author’s and unstructured-natural observation in Japan, and was written in the hopes of improving the quality of long-term care in Taiwan.

Key words: Patient-centered Care、Long-Term Care、Japan