E Impact of Networked Platforms on Students’English Writing Performance

E Impact of Networked Platforms on Students’

English Writing Performance


Yu-mei Tsai

General Education Center

Tzu-Chi College of Technology





This paper documents the classroom practice of an Online English Reading and Writing course over two semesters, specifically drawing on the web-enhanced English writing tasks of a networked platform, online message posting, and in-person writing conference.  The preliminary findings from a survey of 65 students showed positive attitudes towards web-enhanced tasks, though students’ English writing performances may have been limited by their unfamiliarity with computer technology.  This paper recognizes the value and significance of using online interactions to encourage students to participate in English writing practices.  The instructor discovered students needed more specific explanations and modeling for online forum functions and timely online feedback.  The web-based environment promotes students’ understanding of the communicative nature of language and brings authentic voices into classroom.  Message posting and computer assisted presentation are active and visible uses of language where students find vitality of language communication.  Although the current study admits the common limitations with respect to a short period of time and small number of participants, the significant mentoring influence of online writing experience is too important to be ignored by EFL language teachers.



Keywords:networked platform, web-enhanced task, language communication















