

梁巧燕 慈濟技術學院通識教育中心  

摘 要





Searching for a feeling of intimacy-Case Study: Su Shi’s image in “San Yan”

Chiao-Yen Liang                 General Education Center,Tzu Chi College of Technology


Although being one of a leader in the literary circles in North Song Dynasty, Su Shi had been exiled several times politically. However, as a result of his heroic and humorous temper, not only many relevant interesting episodes circulated among the people at that time, but it was usually taken as a good material for a novel by the people during later periods. The author of the “San Yan”, a novel in Ming Dynasty, once wrote four related works by drawing material from Su Shi. This thesis will be written to discuss how the author of the novel could further achieve its goals of fascinating readers and conveying main thoughts by creating figures’ images out of historical famous persons. This thesis will also analyze three aspects about figures’ dialogue, descriptions of behaviors and arrangements of circumstances. It is also completed for the sake of observing creation and evolution of the images in Su Shi’s “San Yan.” Lastly we also ponder over scholars’ images ranging from traditional literati to marketplaces, and over potential solicitude and searching expressed by the author of the “San Yan.”

Keywords:San Yan、Feng Meng Lung、Su Shi

