







摘 要

近年來學者探討許多影響步態發展的身體結構因子,但卻少有繼續探討這些因子在成熟穩定之後和步態控制的關係;本實驗的目的是探討青年人步態與人體計測(anthropometry)和身體組成(Body composition)等構造之間的關係。受測者有62位,男性31位,女性31位。平均年齡為19.65歲。使用身體組成分析儀量測受試者包含體重、脂肪重、和肌肉重(蛋白質重+體液重)等身體組成的量,並計算淨體重等數值。內裝偵測感應器的測量墊步態分析儀收集受試者步行速度、步長,步寬,行走步頻、站立期,和單腳站立期等步態參數。用皮尺量取肚臍至地面垂直線長度、肚臍至腳踝外踝、股骨大轉子至腳踝外踝、和腓骨頭至腳踝外踝等身體長度結構等人體計測資料。利用SPSS商用統計軟體來對步態參數和身體組成之間、和步態參數和身體長度結構之間進行相關性(Pearson correlation test)相關檢定。

結果顯示達統計意義的正相關(r>0.322, p<0.01)包括:體重與站立期和步寬之間;身高、肚地長、肚踝長、髖踝長、和膝踝長與步長之間;步態參數之速度與步頻、步長、站立期、和單腳站期之間。達統計意義的負相關(r<-0.322, p<0.01)包括:體重、淨體重、和肌肉重均與步頻和單腳站期之間;身高、肚地長、和肚踝長卻與步頻之間。本實驗的數據顯示,體重會影響步頻、步寬、站立期、及單腳站立期,身高體長會影響步長及步頻;然



The Impact of Anthropometry and Body Composition on Gait Parameters in Young Adult

Chia-Yu Shih

Department of Physical Therapy

Tzu Chi College of Technology

Lan-Yuen Guo

Department of Sports Medicine

College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University

Chich-Haung Yang

Department of Physical Therapy

Tzu Chi College of Technology


Several studies have reported many possible affecting factors of body structure on the development of gait. However, there is few further investigation on the relationships between these factors and gait pattern in adult. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between gait pattern and body composition as well as anthropometry in young adult. Sixty-two subjects, 31 males and 31 females, were included with an average age of 19.65. Body composition measured by a body composition analyzer included body weight, fat weight, muscle weight (protein weight + fluid weight), and lean body weight. Gait parameters measured by GAITRite system included velocity, step length, step width, cadence, stance phase, and one-legged stance phase. Anthropometry measured by a ruler included body length and the length of umbilicus to lateral malleolus, greater trochanter to lateral malleolus, and head of fibula to lateral malleolus. The length between umbilicus and ground was also measured. The correlation among gait parameters, body composition, and anthropometry was processed by SPSS with Pearson correlation test.


Several findings had been shown: significant positive correlation (r>0.322, p<0.01)was found between body weight and the gait parameters including stance phase and step width, between the factors of anthropometry and step length, and between velocity and other parameters of gait including cadence, step length, stance phase, one-legged standing. Significant negative correlation (r<-0.322, p<0.01)was found between the factors of body composition including body weight, lean body weight, and muscle weight and the gait parameters including cadence and one-legged standing phase, and between the factors of anthropometry and cadence. Data in this study had revealed that body weight showed significant impact on some gait parameters including cadence, stance phase, one-legged standing and step width, and body length showed significant impact on other gait parameter including step length and cadence. However, the ratio of body structure showed little impact on gait parameters. The generation of gait pattern is a complex process with dynamic interactions between the control of musculoskeletal systems and other factors including the subsystems of body and environmental influence. This study revealed further understandings of control mechanism of gait pattern in order to provide useful data for gait analysis and gait training.

Key words: Gait parameter, Anthropometry, Body composition