

葉素汝 慈濟技術學院通識教育中心

黃木泉 慈濟技術學院通識教育中心

摘 要

本研究主要目的在探討大學生身體自我概念、運動參與程度和體適能的相關;以及男女大學生的體適能狀況。受試者以慈濟技術學院的699名大學生為對象,其平均年齡為17.49±1.7歲。本研究使用「大學生身體自我概念量表」、「運動參與問卷」、「體適能檢測」為測量工具,經描述統計、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾森積差相關分析,所得結果如下:一、不同身體自我概念的大學生在「運動參與程度」、「柔軟度」與「肌耐力」具有顯著差異,而在「心肺耐力」與「BMI」則沒有差異。二、大學生的身體自我概念、運動參與程度與多數的體適能要素有相關,但相關值卻有偏低的現象。三、本研究大學生的體適能狀況與全國同年齡的體適能常模比較之下,大致上堪稱普通,男學生的肌耐力較好,而男女學生的柔軟度算差。 <![endif]>  





Relationship between Physical Self-Concept, Degree of Exercise Participation and Physical Fitness for College Student

Suh-Ruu Yeh

General Education Center Tzu-Chi College of Technology

Mu-Chuan Huang

General Education Center Tzu-Chi College of Technology


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical self-concept, degree of exercise participation and physical fitness for college student, and to know how the level of physical fitness between male and female college student. The age of 699 sample students were 17.49±1.7 mean value, and the instruments of this research were the “Physical Self Description Questionnaire", the “Degree of Exercise Participation Questionnaire” and Physical Fitness Test, then analyzed the data through those statistics methods including describe statistics, one-way ANOVA and Pearson's product moment correlation, and the results are as follows: 1.The students in different physical self-concept have significant differences in “degree of exercise participation”, “Flexibility” and “Endurance”. 2.The physical self-concept and the degree of exercise participation of college student were correlated in most main factor of physical fitness, but the values tend low. 3. The level of physical fitness of sample students in comparison with the same age students in our country manifested normal, the endurance of male students were better, and the flexibility was weak both male and female students.

Keywords:physical self-concept, degree of exercise participation, physical fitness,


