彭台珠 李明憲
摘 要
本研究的目的是為了選取中醫體質分型自我評估問卷中所需使用的量尺語詞,經由一群醫療相關之中醫學、公共衛生、護理學及衛生教育專家共同討論後,認為在各類量尺中以符合語詞較為適合作為中醫體質分型自我評估問卷所使用,同時決定採用Likert’s scare五等分計分法。符合量尺語詞的選擇,先由專家討論決定序位量尺語詞的兩個端點之後,再由問卷調查結果選取中間三個語詞,問卷中每個語詞的右側有一條10公分的線段,受訪者於線段上標示每個語詞相對於兩個端點用詞的語氣程度。本研究樣本數共44位,調查結果選出的符合語詞為「非常不符合」、「大致不符合」、「部份符合部份不符合」,「大致符合」、「非常符合」。被選出語詞其再測信度呈負相關且相關低,雖然相關係數較低,但P值並無統計上之差異,且其前後測平均值使用配對t檢驗後,並無統計上的明顯差異。
To Select Appropriate Descriptor for Chinese Medicine Constitutiou Quesionnaire
Tai-chu Peng Ming-shinn Lee
Department of Nursing
Tzu’chi Techology of College
This study is to select appropriate corresponding descriptor for chines medicine constitution questionnaire. The method is to invite experts to decide the two anchors for extreme levels and then select three ordinal descriptor. The 44 healthy people purposed sampled were requested to place each descriptor on a 10 centimeter line according to where they feel each descriptor lied in relative to two anchors. Most five corresponding descriptors were “very not corresponding” “moderately not corresponding” “half corresponding” “moderately corresponding” “very corresponding “ The result will provide the chines-medicine constitution questionnaire to use.